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How to Comment on the NED Pipeline

Posted Friday, July 17, 2015

This page offers a quick guide on how to offer public comment on the proposed Tennessee Gas Pipeline during the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) "scoping period."  The scoping period is designed to help FERC determine the scope of its environmental analysis.

For more context visit:

To Submit Written Questions and Comments:

Follow instructions and links on pages 2-3 of the FERC Notice of Intent.

What To Comment On:

Kinder Morgan - Pre-Filing (preliminary) Application

The most effective comments will address the specific requirements of the Natural Gas Act and NEPA, the National Environmental Protection Act.

Natural Gas Act – the relevant section is quite brief:

NEPA – organize your questions and comments following the topic structure of the Environmental Impact Statement (from the FERC Guidance Manual for Applicants):

  • Resource Report 1 - General Project Description
  • Resource Report 2 - Water Use and Quality
  • Resource Report 3 - Fish, Wildlife, and Vegetation
  • Resource Report 4 - Cultural Resources
  • Resource Report 5 - Socioeconomics
  • Resource Report 6 - Geological Resources
  • Resource Report 7 - Soils
  • Resource Report 8 - Land Use, Recreation and Aesthetics
  • Resource Report 9 - Air and Noise Quality
  • Resource Report 10 - Alternatives
  • Resource Report 11 - Reliability and Safety
  • Resource Report 12 - PCB Contamination
  • Resource Report 13 - Engineering and Design Material

Analysis by FERC

The excerpted FERC Statement of Policy explains in clear language how FERC analyzes information it receives from the pipeline company and the public.

You can see the conservation related comments made to date by Mount Grace at the bottom of the main pipeline page on our website.

Helpful Guide for Citizens

Knowing and Protecting Your Rights When an Interstate Gas Pipeline Comes to Your Community

DPU Hearings

The Massachusetts Department of Public works is holding its own set of public hearings the first week of August 2015.