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Song Memorial Forest Slash Wall - "It's working!"

Posted 2/5/24

Creating Habitat for Threatened Species Stewardship Manager Tessa Dowling excitedly came into the office last week with the report from her visit to our newly completed forest management project in…

Leaving a Legacy, Making an Impact

Posted 2/5/24

Land trusts often use the word “legacy,” which can mean many things to different people. For us, it starts with making an impact on people and places that will last long after the deed is done.…

Mount Grace and Mass Audubon Celebrate Historic Vote to Protect 1,365 Acres of Forest in Winchendon

Posted 12/22/23

A once-in-a-generation conservation opportunity. Winchendon Forest LLC notified the towns of Winchendon and Ashburnham that it intends to sell a 1,365 acre property to an entity called Longroad…

On the Trails: Cutthroat Brook Tree Farm

By Allen Young

Posted 6/1/23

The Pulse of Growth

By Charlie Thompson

Posted 6/1/23

Stand Development in Transition Hardwoods

By Charlie Thompson

Posted 5/2/23