Diemand Farm

Diemand Farm is a small family farm that produces grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, pasture-raised turkey, fresh eggs, and value-added products such as their infamous pot pies.
Public Access
Diemand Farm is open to the public for the purchase of their grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, pasture-raised turkey, fresh eggs, and the many other farm products available at their farm store.
126 Mormon Hollow Rd, Wendell, MA 01379
Parking is available.
The Diemand Family
Year Protected
Property History
In 2017, Diemand Farm protected 29 acres of fields and working woodlands within their 165-acre landmark third-generation family farm. The conservation restriction is co-held by Mount Grace and the Town of Wendell. The project was a critical component of the Mormon Hollow Working Lands Corridor Project—a three-year effort to protect 700 acres of farm and forest land including half a dozen farms in both Wendell and Montague.