Join our new Photography Club

Greetings Mount Grace Community,
My name is Emily Rueger, and I am one of the new TerraCorps members this year at Mount Grace. My role is to help build capacity in communications and engagement for the organization. One of my ideas to help me achieve this goal is creating a photography club! This club is open to anyone who is interested in nature photography or for anyone who is simply interested in helping Mount Grace!
The photography club will have a homebase in a Facebook Group page – to jpin the group, email me at rueger@. The Group page will allow club members to post photos that they have taken of/in nature, whether it is pictures of animals or plants, landscapes, or portraits! This Facebook group is private so only other club members or Mount Grace staff will be able to see them.

The club will also include weekly “Photo of the Week” polls, winners will be voted for by club members and winning photos will be posted to all Mount Grace’s social media platforms! Other aspects include nature photography workshops and events held solely for club members!
Joining the club means that you are giving permission for Mount Grace to use all photos posted to Facebook Group with proper photo credits sited - a huge help to our communications staff!
The club will officially start up at the beginning of December.
I look forward to seeing all your amazing photos!
Emily Rueger
Community Engagement Coordinator
TerraCorps / AmeriCorps Servicemember